Knowledge From Our Experts At Integrative Family Counseling and Psychology

Check out our articles related to Sex Addiction

Woman struggling with porn addiction

Female Porn Addiction: Understanding and Overcoming It

Female porn addiction is a growing concern that affects many women. This article explores the signs, causes, and available treatments to help women overcome this addiction and reclaim their lives.

Couple looking concerned and distant

I Have No Sex Drive and Its Ruining My Relationship: What to Do

Low sex drive can put strain on even the strongest relationships. In this article, we'll explore the causes, effects, and solutions for this common issue, and how our expert therapists can help you reignite the passion in your relationship.

Supporting Someone with Porn Addiction

How to Help Someone with a Porn Addiction

Find out how to help someone dealing with porn addiction. Get practical advice on supporting your loved one through intervention, communication, and professional resources.

Signs of Porn Addiction

Signs of Porn Addiction: Identifying Key Indicators

Learn to recognize the signs of porn addiction. Understanding these symptoms can guide you in seeking help and supporting your loved ones.

Porn Addiction Therapy Session

Porn Addiction Therapy: Overcome Your Urges

Porn addiction therapy can help individuals overcome compulsive behaviors, improve mental health, and build healthier relationships.

Person feeling anxious about pornography use

Does Porn Cause Anxiety? Exploring the Connection

Examine if porn causes anxiety and its potential impact on mental health. Learn about the connection between pornography use and anxiety, and discover strategies for managing related symptoms.